Discover Your Path

The Four Shields

For thousands of years, indigenous communities have sought and gained wisdom, direction, and guidance from the four cardinal directions. The wisdom of the four directions comes from a deep faith and understanding of the intrinsic interconnectedness and unity that exists between the environment and all earth dwellers.

Our Inspiration

Our work with the four shields is deeply inspired by the teachings of Meredith Little, Steve Foster, and Bill Plotkin. These shields serve as a map of human development, aligning the cardinal directions and seasons with the stages of life. In the Southern Hemisphere, the directions and seasons of north and south are reversed compared to the Northern Hemisphere. Each direction symbolizes a different stage of growth, guiding us through the natural cycles of life. As we journey through these stages, we cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place within the larger tapestry of existence. Each shield invites us to reflect on our experiences, fostering a sense of belonging and purpose. By engaging with the wisdom of the four shields, we not only honor our individual paths but also contribute to the collective healing of our communities, weaving together the threads of our shared human experience.

Key Qualities of the Four Shields

North - Summer and The Innocent Child
In the vibrant summer of life, we embrace the qualities of a child: full of energy, driven by our senses, and guided by instinct. This stage invites us to marvel at the world with fresh eyes, discovering the awe and wonder that surrounds us as we experience life through our senses. We are in the present moment, with life’s wonders calling to our boundless innocence.
West - Autumn - Adolescence to Adult
The west represents a direction steeped in rich traditions of initiation and rites of passage. It unfolds through three essential stages: separation, threshold, and return, each shaping our unique journey. This is the pivotal moment when we are prepared, and our community acknowledges our readiness to fully embrace the wisdom of our gifts, our distinct song, and our true name for the benefit of the collective. It is a time marked by heightened self-awareness, sensuality, revolution, and proactive steps toward liberation from the layers that no longer align with our truth and our path.
South - Winter - Adult

Winter serves as a poignant milestone of adulthood, a time when we embrace maturity and responsibility while reflecting on the rich tapestry of our life experiences. It is in this season that we courageously face our wounds, nurture our communication, and take accountability for our actions, allowing us to share the wisdom we have gathered. With a deeper understanding and compassion, we are inspired to offer our unique gifts to the world, fostering collective healing and well-being.

East - Spring - The Elder

Spring heralds the emergence from the shadows of winter, where the cycle of death and disintegration gives rise to new life. This liberation from past forms, enriched by the wisdom of knowledge and experience, reunites with the sun, offering a revitalized journey of existence. Light illuminates the path, and time nurtures growth in the service of life. It is in this guidance of the Elder that the mysteries of life become vividly clear, poised to be transformed into support and wisdom for the benefit of all.

Why the Four Shields?

Life’s journey is often marked by pain and fear, as we instinctively build walls to shield ourselves from further hurt. Yet, when these wounds remain unaddressed, they can cast a shadow over our entire existence, leading to a cycle of suffering and avoidance. The Four Shields offer a map in which we can explore, acknowledge, and heal the aspects of our lives that are perhaps exiled, fragmented, wounded, or simply incomplete. This courageous process, while sometimes daunting, ultimately empowers us to grow and evolve, allowing us to emerge as vibrant, peaceful contributors to our communities. By embracing our vulnerabilities, we not only heal ourselves but also create a supportive environment for others, fostering resilience and connection in the shared human and nature-connected experience.
This page is inspired by my personal experiences and enriched by the profound work of Steve Foster and Meredith Little, particularly their explorations of Vision Questing and the Four Shields in relation to human nature. Their publication, Forestry Research 969, serves as a vital resource in understanding these concepts more deeply. UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO WILDERNESS RESEARCH CENTER May 2, 1996.

Join Our Transformative Programs

Discover the profound connection between human development and nature’s cycles. Our programs, inspired by the four shields, guide you through a journey of self-discovery and healing. Embrace the wisdom of nature and transform your life.