Our Services
Counselling for Individuals
By recognising yourself as an integral part of nature the opportunity exists to support the discovery of your own incredible unique wholeness. A wholeness that makes sense, has meaning and matters. With my mindful and somatic therapeutic approaches and playful guidance you will lean to recognise yourself reflected in nature in a way that will heal, supports and guide you towards an empowering experience of significant truth and mattering.
Learn More by Clicking Here

Working with Challenging Emotions
Sometimes the challenges life throws our ways can catch us off gaurd resulting in a array of either overwhelming or life numbing emotions. Trying to navigate our daily life choices can seem enormous when our normal emotional state has been imbalanced.
Toni’s training and experience with mindfulness, trauma, somatic enquiry and nonviolent communication will gently support you to enquire into these seemingly stuck emotions and gradually journey through their often murky depths to discover a lighter and more purposeful plateau of understanding and transformation.

Focus & Direction
Are you are feeling a little stuck and wanting some support to make some movement or different choices in your life?
Or are you feeling a bit lost and would love to be heard and understood by someone without feeling judged?
Would you like to check out your thoughts and perspective to see if they are in line with your values? Or maybe you are confused as to what your values are and would enjoy some support to gain more clarity?
Toni’s style, humanistic approach, and extensive training in communication, counselling and mindfulness will gently support you to inquire into and better understand yourself, and to effectively support you in finding the best answers to your own questions. We will explore what is important to you, how you currently meet your needs and make choices, and whether these choices are creating the life you want.
Counselling and Intensive Workshops for Couples
I provides couples with effective support and education allow couples to build a healthier, more nourishing relationship connection. I provide the support that port you each need to develop the confidence to express yourself authentically and skillfully while also learning how to hear the the other more fully. You will learn how to honor each other’s choice and autonomy while strengthening a secure and nourishing connection. I help you to identify the places where you get stuck, and make the transition from vicious cycles to victorious cycles.
We offer hourly support and communication training as well as 3.5 day intensives and 8 week, weekly workshops.

When we have the experience that our truth and authenticity matters to another, connection and trust flow naturally.
Family Counselling and Support
It can be both painful and frustrating to feel disconnected from your children and spouse.
Misunderstandings, misinterpretations can lead to feelings hurt and resentment. Restorative Relationships will support you to reconnect through understanding each other.
This is not always a comfortaof ble process but if you are willing to take a glimpse at each other’s perspective, you may find yourself dismantling walls of hopelessness and isolation and rebuilding foundations of trust, love and connection.

By honouring the wisdom of the greater whole, we are able to arrive at a resolution that is beneficial to all.
Restorative Circles
Restorative resolution is the process of attempting to see the world through another’s perspective while requesting the same for yourself. While this may feel risky and challenging, the rewards usually far outweigh the efforts.
Gathering together to resolve conflict and achieve reconciliation is not a new process, having been common in earlier times and still within indigenous communities of today, In this process, it is acknowledged that the perspective and wisdom of the whole is more likely to achieve a resolution that is of benefit to all individuals involved as well as to the greater community.
The process we use draws from the work of restorative Justice, Restorative Circles (Dominic Barter) and Nonviolent Communication (Marshall Rosenberg). The process advocates for the full choice and willingness of the receiver(s) of the harmful act as well as the actor(s). The simplicity of the process enables reconciliation and resolution to unfold at a pace that is natural and unforced. This structured process provides an environment that is safe and honors the relative perspectives of each person/party involved.
Nonviolent Communication (NVC)
Nonviolent communication, or NVC as it is now more commonly known, is both a philosophy and a model of communication. NVC was developed by Marshall Rosenberg and is founded on the following principles:
All actions are an attempt to meet needs
We all share the same needs
Human beings enjoy giving
With these three guiding priniciples, we begin to explore: What is important to us? Why it is important? How do the ways we meet our needs impact others? How can we express ourselves in a way that will best meet our needs and those of others? How can we learn to listen to what is important to others?
By understanding and accepting ourselves, we are then more able to authentically meet others in “the field beyond right and wrong.” When we develop the capacity to meet in that field, we often discover that we are all trying to meet the same needs. With that discovery, we begin to understand that it is the strategies we are using to meet our needs that are most
These trainings, whether conducted privately or in groups, are based on a structured modality that is easy to learn, practice and apply to our daily lives. NVC is both a set of principles and a form of communication that can be extremely helpful in all of our relationships – intimate, work-related and otherwise. It is so applicable and easily interwoven into all aspect of our lives because it models mutual respect, shared responsibility and considerate action.
View our upcoming Trainings→

Being willing to make the effort to see the world from another perspective can feel risky and challenging, but the rewards are beyond words and worth every minute.
Family Dispute Resolution (FDR)
Toni McErlane is an AMINZ Associate Family Dispute Resolution Provider offering supportive, professional and safe family dispute mediations.
Supervision in the Workplace
Are you or your staff are wanting reassurance that the values of nonviolence, client alliance, collaboration, mindfulness and empowement are being practiced through your communication and actions?
Restorative Relationships provides a supervision service based on a thorough structure and framework that effectively supports and guides individuals and groups to mindfully self reflect, self enquire and assess their professional support approach with their clients.
Restorative relationships model of supervison is based on the principles and practices of mindfulness and Nonviolent Communication (NVC). This approach encourages authentic, mindful, self empowering, collaborative and self compassionate introspection into the professionals’ role, values and actions. The emphasis is on exploring where action and values are currently in alignment, where their alignment is being challenged, and how that alignment can be restored or created through specific communication and action.
‘Mediation Services
Are you are wanting to resolve challenging employment situations?
To develop solutions to that will have beneficial outcomes for everyone involved?
To ensure that everyone involved has a voice?
Restorative Relationships provides a professional and nonbiased structure in which each person or party gets to safely express what’s important to them, gets acknowledged for what’s important to them, and in most cases, reach a resolution and agreement in which the most important needs of each person or party can be met.
Business Partner Mediation
Are you and you business partner butting heads?
Are you wanting to find solutions that are mutually beneficial?
Restorative Relationships provides a structured and simple process that provides opportunity to resolve differences and proceed to mutually benefit shared agreements.
Parenting Agreement Mediation
Are you weary of fruitless arguements that achieve only more resentment?
Are you wanting to trust that your children’s best interests are you and the child’s other parents first priority?
Do you want to trust that you and your child’s other parent are in agreement with the care and responsibilities of your child/children?
Restorative Relationships offers a professional, structured and safe process to address parenting differences and to support parents to find mutual ground that is in the best interest of their children.
For more info on Family Dispute Resolution mediation click here.
Family Mediation
It can be both painful and frustrating to feel disconnected from your children and spouse.
Misunderstandings, misinterpretations can lead to feelings of hurt and resentment. Restorative Relationships will support you to reconnect through understanding each other.
This is not always a comfortable process but if you are willing to take a glimpse at each others perspective, you may find yourself dismantling walls of hopelessness and isolation and rebuilding foundations of trust, love and connection.

Responsible collaboration is when the need to thrive need not be compromised by what may appear to be an impossible situation.

Collaborative Parenting – Beyond Coercion and Negotiation
So often parents strive to provide their children with the life choices and opportuniites for their children to have wonderful and satisfying lives. And then how much dismay and heartache when the children resist that guidance and demand to make there own choices which as parents you fear may have less than optimal outcomes.
The conflict that arises in these situations can be messy, painful and leave both parents and childred feeling hurt, misunderstood, frustrated and often resentful.
Restorative Relationships offers another way. A way in which the needs of both the parent and the children are acknowledged, regarded, and in which the outcome is arrived at in a way where both parents and children feel in choice and empowered.

The Collaborative Classroom
How strenuos and disheartening it can feel to have the best intentions for your students yet to experience the constant struggle to create even the smallest of movements towards a sense of partnership in learning.
Restorative Relationships supports teachers and schools to explore creative and empowering communication and philosophical approaches that support teacher student relationships to be easy, rewarding and empowering.
Contact us today to talk about how our approach can support the needs of your teachers and school values
Our Workshops
See the workshop, trainings and events we’re running
Our Philosophy
Learn more about our general understanding of wellness and approach to therapy
About Us
Learn more about our experience and journeys into this work
Our Fees
Learn more about the financial investment we request for my services